Of Endings…

Published by Wayne on

You may have noticed a relative lack of posts around here the last few weeks. Also, a missing short story from yesterday or a Top 10 from today. That’s all because I’ve been deep in the process of trying to finish the first draft of “Tree of Liberty”. And yesterday evening, at a run of 95k words, I completed the first draft.

The word counts a bit lower than I anticipated, about 10k words less than the first two. But it is just the first draft. And it also does not include the Epilogue. I always end up completely rewriting those, and since this is the final book in the trilogy, I know there will be some changes to what I have planned. Things always do after I read what actually ended up getting written, as opposed to what I originally intended to write.

How far are we from the book being released? Quite a ways.

  1. First i need to reread the whole thing and turn this incomprehensible mess of an alpha version into a semi-comprehenisble mess of a beta.
  2. Then that version goes to my beta readers for comment.
  3. Revisions are made based on comments from readers and another beta version is created.
  4. At that point, I either send it back to beta readers if I made major changes or it gets sent off to my editor.

How long will all that take? Unsure but it’s my hope to get the version off to my editor shortly after the New Year. If she gets it then, we should be able to have it ready by the end of spring, depending on her schedule.

There’s a lot of IF involved there. It’s been months since I’ve read parts of the book and it may need heavy revision. Beta readers may take awhile to get back to me. And my editor also recently had a baby, so her schedule might be very behind.

I also want to try and read books 1 and 2 to refresh myself on what actually made it to the final product. My mind is filled with old data that got scrapped. I need to make sure this ending book jives with the beginning.

So I have a lot more work ahead of me. But its great to have a version done. I hope to get back to regular blogging soon. I have a short story queued up for this month, but it hasn’t been edited yet (even my poor excuse for editing). I might do that before I start the revision but most likely hold it off for December.

But for now, a day to just breath.

Categories: Writing


JediRabbit · November 8, 2012 at 7:07 pm

I’ve almost finished Revolutionary Right, and at the rate I get time to read, I’ll have A Little Rebellion finished around Christmas, hopefully. That means a bit of a wait for the series conclusion. I love Revolutionary Right.

If I may ask, how and why did you decide on the rules you use for spaceflight and interstellar communications? Having communications only travel at light speed, forcing slow ships to be the means of communication between the core worlds and other colonies interests me because it varies greatly from my way, where communications travel nearly instantaneously while ships travel somewhat slow, but still not as slow as yours. I love your system too and I was just curious on how and why you decided on it as the rules for your fictional universe.

    Wayne · November 8, 2012 at 9:34 pm

    Thanks Rabbit. That’s a good question and one I think I’ll address in a future blog post.

Space is Big | Rogue Blogger · November 9, 2012 at 8:37 am

[…] reader asked me in the comments from yesterday’s post where I got my ideas for setting up the mechanics of the Aristeia universe. Specifically, If I may […]

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