New Giveaway Prize and Contest Entry

Published by Wayne on

First, author Katje Van Loon has added an e-book copy of her book, “Bellica” to the prize list! There are lots of good books you can win so let’s give you all some more chances to enter.

Contest Entry #4

We’ve added a lot of good books to the prize list. So let’s talk books. Suggest a good book for everyone to try. Any genre.

Categories: Writing


Jedi_Rabbit · June 8, 2013 at 12:48 pm

I’d like to suggest two that I think everyone should read:
11/22/63 by Stephen King, about a time traveler who goes back to stop the Kennedy Assassination
American Gods by Neil Gaiman, a new twist on old mythology that is exceedingly well done and answers the question: what happened to the Gods of all the immigrants to America.

Tamarynn Farr · June 11, 2013 at 7:48 am

I second American Gods, my favorite book.

Since Jedi_Rabbit took my first suggestion, I’ll have to suggest two books by Charles de Lint: The Ridlle of the Wren and Forests of the Heart.

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