
My dog has a fascination with socks. Mine in particular. As a native Floridian and a resident Texan, it’s normally hot outside. So I generally wear sandals. They’re cooler and much quicker to put on. However, when we go for walks, I always wear my sneakers. Since Annie loves to Read more…

Thankful Thanksgiving Day 3: Lemons

Not every day can be a deep insightful serious day. There are many things I’m thankful for that many might see as shallow or insignificant. But I’m cool with that. So today, I explain that I am thankful for Lemons. Now, I don’t enjoy eating them straight up, but they Read more…

Barbaric Habits

I was making fried chicken the other day and it occurred to me, that if chicken were sentient, how much of a barbarian brute I’d be. Now, if you discount the cruel conditions chickens are subjected to, and just focus on my part, it’s still bad. The way I cook Read more…

Thankful Thanksgiving Calendar

Inspired by John Scalzi over at his Whatever blog, I’ve decided to do a daily post of something I am thankful for every day leading up to Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is one of those holidays that has generally become about the trappings rather than it’s original meaning. I really liked the Read more…

Halloween Fail

Last night marked the 6th year we have been in this house on Halloween. Our grand total of trick treaters stands at 3.  It’s very sad. There is a big haunted house at the fire house, which is just up the street from us. This usually occurs on the Sat Read more…