Thankful Thanksgiving Day 6: Star Wars

Published by Wayne on

You know it had to come sooner or later. You might call it shallow to be thankful for a fictional world, I say it isn’t. Star Wars is good adventurous fun. It’s a cultural iconic that everyone knows.

It gave us lightsabers. And R2-D2. And Chewbacca. Who doesn’t dream of having a glowing sword that can cut threw anything, or an awesome robot that knows just what to do to save the day, or a giant furry companion to help you kick ass. The look or sound of any of these things will bring a smile to many people as it instills a sense of childlike wonder. What would your life be like without those things? A lot emptier I can assure you.

Alright, that’s a little overboard. But the point is, Star Wars is fun and I’ve gotten a lot of enjoyment out of it. And it keeps giving. Soon SWTOR will be out and that will provide another fun world to play in with a bunch of my friends.

And no, that this comes before I declare my thankfulness for Star Trek, does in no way imply either one is better than the other.

1 Comment

Tamarynn · November 8, 2011 at 8:39 am

Liar, you know that Star Wars > Star Trek.

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