Thankful Thanksgiving Day 3: Lemons

Published by Wayne on

Not every day can be a deep insightful serious day. There are many things I’m thankful for that many might see as shallow or insignificant. But I’m cool with that.

So today, I explain that I am thankful for Lemons. Now, I don’t enjoy eating them straight up, but they do make wonderful things to drink. Now, typically, I drink water, with some milk with breakfast and dinner. That’s really about it. Every few months I’ll get a 12-pack of Sprite or a bottle of lemonade. When we go out, if it’s good homemade style stuff (boo Minute Maid) I’ll get lemonade.

I really love a good lemonade. A nice sugary (but not sickly sweet), strong lemon flavor home brew style. Chik-Fil-A has pretty good stuff, though sometimes it’s too sweet. BJ’s Restaurant has great strawberry lemonade.  I also really enjoy lemon-ice things. Nice frozen lemonade made with real lemons. Again, boo Minute Maid.

All of these things require the wonderfulness of real lemons.

Categories: Life