
My dog has a fascination with socks. Mine in particular. As a native Floridian and a resident Texan, it’s normally hot outside. So I generally wear sandals. They’re cooler and much quicker to put on. However, when we go for walks, I always wear my sneakers. Since Annie loves to Read more…

Smart Phone

Kind of on a whim, we decided to go get smartphones this weekend. We’ve thought about it off and on for more than a year and we got our last phones in 2008.  We were paying far to much for our monthly service, because they were, technically, internet capable. We Read more…

Early Game Access Fail

Well it looks like Early Game Access to SWTOR will be “up to five days“.  I call fail on this. In the past, Early Access was described as a way for Bioware to ease people into the game without overloading the servers. It was also described as “significantly more than Read more…

SWTOR Guild Info

Some new info coming out of Bioware about Guilds in SWTOR. The first bit is simple, in preparation for launch guilds are being marked as to whether or not they will qualify to be pre-created on a server. This is a minor thing, but a good sign that we are Read more…

Thankful Thanksgiving Day 3: Lemons

Not every day can be a deep insightful serious day. There are many things I’m thankful for that many might see as shallow or insignificant. But I’m cool with that. So today, I explain that I am thankful for Lemons. Now, I don’t enjoy eating them straight up, but they Read more…