What We Might Watch

Published by Wayne on

I made a post last week about shows we are currently watching or about to try. We also watch a lot of old shows on DVD/Streaming in the interim periods between the new ones. Here’s some shows we’re considering trying out. Anyone have any other recommendations or wish to put a vote on any of these?

Shows We’re Considering

  1. Breaking Bad
  2. Deadwood
  3. Parks and Recreation
  4. Big Bang Theory
  5. Freaks and Geeks
  6. Dexter
  7. Carnivale
  8. Modern Family
  9. The Wire
  10. Six Feet Under
  11. Doctor Who
  12. Monk
Categories: Geekery


Tamarynn · October 10, 2011 at 9:00 pm

Deadwood is awesome. Very vulgar, though.

Big Bang Theory is a great show, especially for a geek like you.

Freaks and Geeks is good. Being an old man, you’ll get the references and enjoy it.

I watched a couple episodes of Parks and Recreation, after a suggestion from my cousin. I found it boring, tried hard to be funny, etc. Though, I think I recall you enjoyed the American Office? You might like it, as it seems to be similar to that humor.

Doctor Who seems to be hit or miss with people. I had a friend who loves Tom Baker and we watched his entire run. I haven’t gotten into the newer episodes, the low budget BBC style turns me off, but if you can get past that, you may like it.

The other shows I have never seen, so can’t comment on.

Burn Notice – USA off-season show about a burned spy trying to clear his name. The show is formulaic, but its fun, and has Bruce Campbell!

Rome – HBO show, only two seasons. Excellent, though.

Dead Like Me – about a girl who dies and becomes a grim reaper. Despite the idea, it is a funny show, and it has Mandy Patinkin.

Caprica – can’t remember if you are a BSG fan or not. Add that if you haven’t. Anyways, Caprica is a spin-off set in the past of the BSG timeline. I’m sure you know of it, and may have seen it. I just started watching Season 1, so I can’t really say if it is good or bad, but it is interesting.

Tamarynn · October 10, 2011 at 9:02 pm

Oh, there is also Torchwood. It is a spin-off of Doctor Who. I don’t know much about it, though.

Maarkean · October 11, 2011 at 7:34 am

I’ve tried to get into Dr. Who. Everyone tells me it’s awesome, but I couldn’t get hooked.

Same thing with Big Bang Theory. Several people tell me to watch it. I’ve watched one, thought it was “okay”, but people keep telling me to that it’s still on the list.

Got into Rome based on Ca’lek’s recommendation during his “Rori” campaign, which he based on the show.

I’ve thought about Burn Notice. I’ll add that one to the list.

Enjoyed Dead Like Me. Watched the pilot of Caprica, just didn’t feel interested in continuing, was waiting to see if it got canceled. Now that it’s complete, might be worth giving another shot.

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