Star Wars Kinect

Published by Wayne on

I finally decided to go ahead and get a Kinect. Why? Pretty much to play the new Star Wars Kinect game.

Okay, while that was the motivator to do it now, it wasn’t my only reason. I’ve liked the idea of a Kinect since I heard about it. The idea of playing a game without having to sit there and use a controller sounds cool. The Wii never worked as well as I wanted it too. You ended up sitting and shaking the controller most of the time. But when the game requires you to stand and interact, that has more potential.

Now, I fully accept that it may suck. Either the SW game or the Kinect system itself. But I’ve heard enough good things to have hope. Ideally, this would be the best way to get exercise. Doing something you want to do and have fun doing, while getting up and moving around, burning some calories.

I don’t plan on getting any exercise games as that would defeat the purpose. I might change my mind on that if the games turn out to require less movement and interaction than I am hoping. Standing there can get pretty boring and isn’t much better than sitting there. But if a game is fun and requires you to move around quickly, that could be helpful, even just a little.

I have hopes for the SW game due to my obsessive love for almost all things Star Wars. It won’t live up to my hopes, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be fun. Rancor mode should be a hilarious blast if nothing else.

Unfortunately, I ordered the game and device from Amazon. That means it will be delivered via UPS. Which means it won’t arrive until after 7pm as UPS gets to my neighborhood at the very end of the day.

Categories: Games


Tamarynn · April 3, 2012 at 10:56 am

Honestly, that game is the only reason I’d get a Kinect. I’ve heard some good and bad things about the Kinect, and I’m not eager to get one at all. I want to play that SW game though! You have to let me know how it is!

Sienn'lyn · April 3, 2012 at 4:17 pm

Personally I still find the idea of Kinect a bit odd. Never seemed a good idea to me to have kids swing around, kick, jump and so forth in front of an expensive TV. 😉

I guess Nintendo solved that with the straps on the Wii nunchucks or whatever they are called, but since the player is the “controller” with the Kinect as far as I understand, it just sounds like many TVs will be broken. 😛

    Michele · April 5, 2012 at 7:30 am

    Not at all! You have to stand about four feet back. we’ve never come close to hitting the TV and we’ve had the kinect for over a year now. No worries! 🙂

Michele · April 5, 2012 at 7:27 am

Got the game on Tuesday! It’s amazing. It’s a two person game so i was able to play with my son. we had a blast. At first it was hard to figure out how to do certain things but once you do the tutorial you’ll be fine.
I like the fact that my son is now moving around rather than sitting there staring at the game.

Wayne · April 5, 2012 at 7:55 am

The controls are a little difficult to figure out and I’m still not sure I’ve got them. It’s also a little goofy of a game, but its more aimed for kids. But Michele nailed it, it gets you up off the couch and moving around. Which was my main goal. In my out of shape state, it was a nice energy burn.

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