Memory of Light

Published by Wayne on

The day Wheel of Time fans have been waiting for for 23years is here, the final chapter in the saga. Memory of Light releases and we finally learn how it all ends, what all those prophecies meant and whether or not the world is saved. My monies on the world being saved.

I opted for the audiobook version since that is how I’ve essentially read the entire series. Clocking in at just in under 42hrs, this will take me some time to get through. So no spoilers people.

With anything this big and epic, it will inevitably be a disappointment to some. There are many, many more plot threads than can be resolved in one book. Overall, Sanderson has done a good job in the last few books tying all of Jordan’s plots together. And, now that it’s been a year+ since I finished the last book, I’ve forgotten most of what’s happened. So I doubt I’ll be disappointed by any unresolved plot points. The big ones will be resolved for sure.

Will I be pleased with their resolution? Who knows but I expect so. The series has been very good so far and it’s unlikely to start sucking now. Unlike things like Lost, books are better able to keep up with everything and explain them in better detail. Many mysteries on TV shows come about because of something that happened in the editing room or were cut for time. You don’t need to cut for time in a book.

I look forward to listening to this book. The two narrators have done a superb job and are very engaging. At 42hrs this one will likely take me a month or more to get through, which is great as that will build up a backlog of podcasts I can then tear through when its done. I always hate running out of things to listen too.

Categories: Geekery


Jedi_Rabbit · January 9, 2013 at 8:12 pm

I am behind on this series. I own the first few books but I’m waiting to finish reading Lord of the Rings before I start Wheel of Time and Game of Thrones, just so I can see all the tropes and cliches in their original form, though I’ve heard the latter two aren’t as Tolkien copycat as a most other fantasy series. Now that they’re all out, hopefully I’ll be able to burn through them quickly.

    Wayne · January 9, 2013 at 8:47 pm

    “hopefully I’ll be able to burn through them quickly.” hehe, none of those series are things you can burn through quickly. All good books but very time consuming.

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