I Can Neither Confirm nor Deny…

Published by Wayne on

…that I got into the SWTOR Beta test this weekend.  Actually, that is the only thing I can confirm.

I just saw my weekend disappear into the ether. From being productive around the house to playing for 48 straight hours. Before, I was actually glad I hadn’t gotten a beta invite. I don’t want the game spoiled. But now that I have an invite, game on.

As for the NDA, I think they are dumb. It makes sense in terms of press, beta’s are by definition an incomplete product and you wouldn’t want news spreading about something that you’re not done with. Since blogs are sometimes considered press, I probably won’t make a post about my experience (even though not all three of you readers will care about SWTOR).

But, I still think NDA’s are stupid and senseless. They don’t stop anyone from talking about the game. And when they do, everyone understands it’s a beta and everything will change. What’s really dumb, is that people who love the game will the ones more likely to follow it, because they have good feelings towards you. The ones who tried it and decided they didn’t like the game, you’re NDA is meaningless to them. There’s no legal penalty you can exact on them, except dropping their beta access, which they clearly no longer desire. So those people are going to tell everyone they know that the game sucks. While the people who love it, are keeping quiet.

In general, I am against secrecy anyways. National security secrets I don’t buy. Details about a currently ongoing military mission, yes absolutely withhold those while lives are on the line. However, once a mission is complete, all the details should come out. If you don’t want the fact that you did something to be public knowledge, then you probably shouldn’t have done that thing in the first place.

But that’s a whole other rant. For now I just need to decide on a class to play. My starting characters are going to be Jedi Knight or Smuggler. So should I play one of those to try them out, or one of the others to see something I won’t see at launch?


Categories: Games


anna · November 11, 2011 at 1:39 pm

I know NDA is like JFK°!!”!°!°!!!!!!!!

Maarkean · November 11, 2011 at 1:41 pm

I don’t know what that’s supposed to mean?

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