Election Predictions

Published by Wayne on

Well folks, it’s finally here. Election day in the US of A. Finally, no more political ads (for 3 months or so until people begin campaigning for the 2016 presidential election).  As I mentioned before, I was considering going Green this election and for the most part did. For president, Texas Senator,  congressman and other local elections I voted Green.

The reasoning for this is simple, I’m tired of the entrenched parties and I support the Green platform more than any other.  Despite this, my idealism was at war with my poli-sci background. I actually do support Obama for the most part. I disagree with him on some things, such as education, but I think he’s done a good job.

I know no third is likely to win and a vote for them is in some ways a vote for the Republicans, which I don’t want to win. I live in Texas remember. If any third party is going to win here, it will be a Libertarian. There’s a few concepts the Libertarians believe I could support but for the most part I don’t agree with them.

However, unlike some other writers, I don’t live in a swing state like Ohio.  Texas is going Republican in every race so my not voting Democrat won’t change that. So why, if a Green party’s Jill Stein is unlikely to win the White House, and I do support Obama, did I vote Green this time? Well,  voting Green will provide a very, very slim chance of helping them get to 5% of the population so that they get Federal election funds next time. If that can happen, then we’ll have a real break in the two party system.

As for my actual predictions, as I said, Texas Senator will go the Republican Ted Cruz, District 22 will go to Republican Pete Olsen. President will go to Barack Obama. Why Obama and not Romney? Because I have faith in the American people that they won’t elect such an obvious asshole to become president.

What if Romney does win? My wife is Canadian, we could always go back there…but seriously, as bad as he’ll be, I doubt much will happen.  The Republicans spent the last four years ensuring nothing got done in Washington. If they win, the Democrats will just do the exact same thing.

Now, if Republicans win control of the White House, Senate and House they could do a lot of bad things.  But there’s a reason Romney swung to the middle during the debates. Most people don’t support those extreme right-wing positions. Which is why I don’t think they will win that completely.

Categories: Politics

1 Comment

Charles · November 6, 2012 at 1:55 pm

I agree fully. A 3rd major party would go a long way to improving our legislative process. Too much partisan gridlock committed by both sides. The Green and Libertarian parties are by far the closest to actually obtaining full party status.

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