Just us Boys

Published by Wayne on

Well, the day finally arrived. My wife had to go back to work. So, for the entire day, it’s just me and my son. I’m not sure how the day will go. Already, this blog post has been interrupted by a hungry baby.  Attempt two is occurring right after he goes down for a nap. We’ll see how this goes.

Sleep habits have been improving, but he is not quite 3months old yet so he still has a ways to go. Most nights he’ll go down pretty easily around 7, and usually stay down until between 6 and 7. Aside from 1-2 feedings in there. Naps are a different story. Rarely will he sleep for more than 45min at a time.  I believe he’s watching up while transitioning from one sleep cycle to the next and can’t go back to sleep. But he does just fine at night, and occasionally during the day.

On my agenda for today, aside from baby care, is laundry, dishes, visiting the grocery store and some work on the promotion of “A Little Rebellion”. You’ll notice writing is not on that list. I’m setting low expectations for now, at least until the new book launches. Once that’s done, I can devote my work time to writing instead of promoting. Or so I hope.

Let the games begin!

Categories: Life


Jake · May 16, 2012 at 8:20 am

May the force be with you.

    Wayne · May 16, 2012 at 8:28 am


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