You Never Forget

Published by Wayne on

I rode a bike yesterday for the first time in at least 10 years. It’s true, you really don’t forget how to do it. Though, that doesn’t mean your muscles will appreciate it.

Following the advice of my doctor, I got a bike to use for exercising instead of running. I took it out for a ride and really enjoyed it. I was going so fast in comparison to the running while still getting a work out. I felt awesome. Then I got off the bike. Wow, were my leg’s throbbing. Those muscles had not been used like that in a long time.

But once I got past that, surprisingly, just getting out to exercise felt great by itself.  I ran 2-3 times a week for 9months or so and even though I hadn’t lost a lot of weight, or really improved my time to anything resembling real running, or even really gotten to a point where I enjoyed the actual act of running, I had gotten use to it. I enjoyed getting out and doing something and the feeling that came as a result of the work out. Having stopped that for the past month I had grown to miss it.

Not sure how effective bike riding will be. But at least it’s something. After running for so long, even though my speed will be unimpressive by bike standards, to me, its super awesome compared to my terrible running standards. My main problem will be finding places to go. When you’re only doing 3mph running, the local neighborhood is decent. When you’re going 3-4x faster, you run out of interesting scenery much faster.

Categories: Life