Win at all Cost

Published by Wayne on

I came across this meme on my Facebook feed recently.

It’s a scene taken from the Mandalorian where the titular Mandalorian acts like a bad ass when surrounded by storm troopers. What it seems to be implying is that one dedicated conservative’s logic can stand up to a class room full of liberals.

But what I get from this isn’t what they intend. What I see is that in a group of five people, four of them have come to some form of consensus. We don’t know what they were discussing but 80% of them agree on something. There’s one lone hold out, the Conservative.

The conservatives sharing this meme cheer on this holdout. They are excited for him. To them, winning the argument is more important than anything else. It doesn’t matter that most people agree on something and are ready to work together. They have to WIN.

This is the conservative mindset. THEY must WIN. It’s about them. Reality or other people don’t matter. This explains every action coming out of the Republican party or Donald Trump.

Coronavirus? They’re declaring victory and reopening everything. Because they said they would. They’ve won, they’ve beaten the virus. Reality doesn’t matter.

Rules? They matter if they help you but if they don’t you just ignore them.

In some ways, never giving up against unlikely odds is an admirable sentiment. Its necessary sometimes. But only in context. When winning matters more than results then what are you even fighting for?