They’re Going to Do It Again

Published by Wayne on

Democrats are going to do it again. According to a new CNN poll Biden has taken a commanding lead as the Democratic frontrunner. This was a spot previously held by Bernie, though you wouldn’t know it from reading headlines. If Biden is the Democratic nominee we’ll get another 4yrs of Trump.

Now, don’t misunderstand. If Biden is the Democratic nominee, I’ll vote for him.  I’ll vote for almost anyone whose not Trump. Because almost anyone is an improvement.

But I’m not the person you need to court. The ones you need to convince are the people who don’t vote because they don’t see the point. Nominating Biden shows them they’ve right. Biden is just more of the same to them. Entrenched power that has no idea about their problems.

2020 will see the first post-millenials able to vote.  We need them to vote in droves if there is going to be a chance for this country. Biden is not going to get droves of post-millenials or even millenials, to come out and vote for the first time. What’s the point they would ask? And while, Biden would be lightyears better than Trump, that’s not a very energizing message.

People want to see things get better. That’s why they elected Trump. They were so desperate for a change to the entrenched systems of power they went for Trump’s outsider status. In 2020, Biden will be no different than Clinton.

I think Biden would do a decent job as President. But even if he did manage to get elected, it wouldn’t be going into office with a landslide change in Congress. It would be another split Congress. Get the right nominee, whose going to energize more than just the Democratic base, and we could see real change.

But the DNC is going to make the same mistakes. They’re going to do everything they can to ensure Biden is nominated and they’re going to shoot themselves in the foot doing it. All to keep their own power.