
You can say a lot of things about the FBI’s investigation into election meddling or Robert Mueller’s investigation. But to just accept outright that Russia did nothing simply because Vladimir Putin says so, is not one of them. The fact that Trump did exactly that, in a televised press conference, Read more…

Welcome to 2017

So it’s a new year. Yay? Many people have decried 2016 as the worst year ever. For some, the seeming abundance of celebrity deaths set the tone for the year. For others, politics overshadowed everything. And of course, personal experiences always trump (pun intended?) everything else. So was 2016 really Read more…

The Four Americas

Today is Super Tuesday here in the good ‘ole US of A. That means a good number of states vote in primaries to pick a person to run for president in November. I’ve been following presidential politics since 2000 and this one really stands out as odd.  I know five primary Read more…