The Repopulation

I heard about a new game in development this weekend called “The Repopulation“. It is a sci-fi themed sandbox MMO due out in Fall 2013. They had a successful Kickstarter campaign this last summer, raising twice their goal. What’s really interesting about this game is that it sounds very much Read more…


One of the things I think is missing in games is a true Capitalship experience. A lot of games have tried, or pretended to try, but no game I’ve played or heard of has really captured what it is, I at least imagine it is, to be onboard a space Read more…


I received an email the other day from Sony Online Entertainment informing me that Star Wars Galaxies would be shutting down in December. I haven’t actively played SWG since at least 2009 but it is still sad to hear that a game I once loved will be shutting down.  Raph Read more…

Item Shopping

Today in Tobold’s blog he asked whether people prefer to buy “useful items” or “useless fluff” in Free-to-Play MMO’s. I’d agree with the statement that the discussion is normally dominated by people who wouldn’t buy either, so they naturally don’t want anyone buying anything useful. Since I’m not one of Read more…