
The world is undergoing a period of remarkable change right now. This global pandemic is right on track, historically. Famine and/or disease go hand in hand with most major changes throughout history. But what change are we undergoing now? There’s a lot of positives and negatives to consider. On the Read more…

They’re Not Stupid

Ever seen someone do something boneheaded? Ever hear someone say something so completely ignorant of basic facts that you wonder how they manage to feed themselves every day? You probably thought to yourself, ‘this person is a grade A moron.’ Now, think hard and honestly. Have you ever been that Read more…

Fundamental Differences

For a long time now I’ve been struggling to put into words some ideas. They’ve been hovering just out of my grasp.  Recently, I watched a video that finally articulated this idea in a concise way that was eluding me. This video is part of a series that I found interesting Read more…