A New Hope

I’ve given myself a few days to ruminate on the results of last weeks election. Things did not go quite as I hoped. Of the major races, I had a personal interest in, no one I supported won. Texas Senator, US House Representative, Texas House Representative, Texas Attorney General, Texas Read more…

Turning Points in History

It’s election day here in the US of A. Every election there are some people who say this election is the most important election. They call it a turning point in history. To some extent, they’re right. Every decision, much less every election, is a turning point. Some matter more Read more…

Societal Brinksmanship

I talked last week about the paradox that resisting asshole behavior sometimes requires it. Those in power have constructed society so that only they (commonly rich, white, men) can get away with being jerks and that doing this allows them to stay in power. This kind of abuse is something Read more…