
The world is undergoing a period of remarkable change right now. This global pandemic is right on track, historically. Famine and/or disease go hand in hand with most major changes throughout history. But what change are we undergoing now? There’s a lot of positives and negatives to consider. On the Read more…

Chasing the Dream

I was playing a game of Civilization the other night, a game I’ve played in various forms for almost 30yrs now. I set almost all of the settings to random and ended up with the Maori. I built my first city and started figuring out a win condition based on Read more…

Big Needles

There’s a common trope about people being scared of the dentist. I’ve never had trouble going to the dentist though. Sure, it’s a bit uncomfortable and the scraping part is annoying. But your mouth comes out feeling clean. Plus having all my teeth at 80 sounds like a good life Read more…

Simple Things

For the longest time, we’ve had our silverware (cutlery for all your Canadians) in this four slotted tray in our kitchen. It’s a pretty decent looking as far as storage trays go. We’ve had it for years, probably since we got married. Unfortunately, it didn’t quite work the way we Read more…

Paralysis of Choice

The ceiling fan in our bedroom failed the other day. It had been making a ticking sound for awhile and my mild efforts to correct this, tightening any available screws, somehow killed it. The same day, I made pancakes and finally got fed up with the stickiness of our frying Read more…

You Are What You Eat

I was talking to my son the other day about how the body uses food for fuel to grow. Now, it’s pretty obvious when you think about it, but my brain had never made the connection that we are literally, what we eat. Our bodies use the mass of food Read more…

Yearning to Breathe Free

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. I’ve never understood anti-immigrant sentiment.  Why do so many people fear and hate immigrants? I really don’t get it. I was reading an article that talked about ICE and it described Read more…