Rogue Champions- Spider-Man Review (Again)

Greetings! Our journey through the plethora of heroes available in Marvel’s Champions LCG. Last month we reviewed a core box hero, Spider-Man. This month we’re going to do something a bit different by reviewing…um…Spider-Man… Hero Summary Spider-Man (Hero) Champion. Web-Warrior. Thwart: 2. Attack: 2. Defense: 2. Hit Points: 9. Hand Read more…

Rogue Review- Rebel ARC-170

Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series, we will be looking at the ships you can fly in Atomic Mass Games X-Wing miniatures game. We’ll take a look at a chassis and what makes it unique along with some upgrades and squadron combos. Strap in and get ready to Read more…

Rogue Review- Metro-X

Grab your metro card, we’re off to check out another game while riding the subway. Today we’re looking at Metro-X by Gamewright. Gameplay- A Card deck The basic gameplay of Metro-X is simple and straightforward. It’s a riff on “Roll and Write” the designers dub “Rail and Write.” Each player Read more…

Rogue Champions- Vision Review

Greetings! Today we’re going to continue our journey reviewing the different heroes you can play in Marvel Champions. We did Valkyrie last month so today we’re moving on to the next most recent (or most recent depending on your store), Vision. Hero Summary Vision (Hero) Android. Avenger. Thwart: 2. Attack: Read more…