A Little Knowledge

A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. We’ve watched the Houston Astros for the last few years. For the most part, we’ve just watched the games, not paying any attention to any news stories or learning anything about the players. Then that whole controversy with one of the managers Read more…


I own two Houston Astros shirts. I wore one last week on the day of the first ALDS game. I wore the second one the next day. Then they were in the laundry until the day before game 5. After washing them, I remembered the game and put one on. Read more…

Pace of the Game

Football season is upon us. And I have to say, I’m not really that enthusiastic. I mean, I want to be. I’ve watched the Gators play for near twenty years now. It’s a fall tradition. But it’s so boring. Which is funny, because that is the accusation normally thrown at Read more…

It’s a Grand Slam

When I was a kid I liked baseball. The Marlins* became the first MLB team for Florida when I was in elementary school which was pretty cool at the time. I played in some softball teams and had a few baseball cards. But I was never really a big fan. Read more…