Haymarket Massacre

It was Labor Day here in America yesterday. At least technically. America doesn’t know how to Labor Day though. When the idea for a labor day came about in the late 19th century, to commemorate the efforts of the labor movements pushing for better working conditions, including but not limited Read more…

The America We Are

It’s finally happened. Robert Mueller has turned in the report on his investigation into the 2016 election and Russian interference. As I write this, a summary has been released by the Attorney General but the complete report has still not been seen outside the Justice Department. Now, the full report Read more…

The America We Choose to Be

I’ve been pretty silent here lately. Some of that is due to business elsewhere. Some of that is a burnout with engaging in political matters via the Internet. This isn’t a political blog per say but I did like to ruminate on things from time to time. Well, the last few Read more…