Rogue Squadron- Unleash the Kraken

Published by Wayne on

Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series, we will be looking at different squadrons you can fly in Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing miniatures game. We give you the squad, what expansion pack all of the upgrades come from and then give you the lowdown on how best to fly it. Strap in and get ready to fly.

All Wings Report In

Belbullab-22 “Captain Sear” (Wave 3) (65ts) (I2)

While a friendly ship at range 0-3 performs a primary attack, if the defender is in its Bullseye, before the Neutralize Results step, the friendly ship may spend 1 calculate token to cancel 1 Evade result.

  • Modification- Impervium Plating (Servants of Strife Expansion): Charges: 2, Before you would be dealt a faceup Ship damage card, you may spend 1 Charge to discard it instead.
  • Tactical Relay- Kraken (Servants of Strife Expansion): Gain Calculate Action. During the End Phase, you may choose up to 3 friendly ships at range 0-3. If you do, each of these ships does not remove 1 calculate token.

6x Vulture Class Droid Fighter “Trade Federation Drone” (Servants of Strife/Vulture Expansion) (24 pts) (I1)

NETWORKED CALCULATIONS: While you defend or perform an attack, you may spend 1 calculate token from a friendly ship at range 0-1 to change 1 Focus result to an Evade or Hit result.

  • Missile- Energy Shell Charges (Servants of Strife/Vulture Droid Expansion): Charges: 1. Attack (Calculate)(3, Range 2-3)- Spend 1 Charge. While you perform this attack, you may spend 1 calculate token to change 1 Focus result to a Crit result.
    Action: Reload this card.


Lock S-Foils in Attack Position

Droids, droids everywhere! The idea for this list is much like your usual swarm, overwhelm them with numbers. But you have an added advantage of an opening salvo of 3 dice attack from range 3. Or, thanks to Sear, infinite crack shot. Between Kraken allowing ships to hold onto Calculate tokens and Vulture’s ability to share them, the ship that manages to get bullseye on someone should have one available to spend to cancel an evade and still one to use to modify their shot.

Meanwhile, Captain Sear hangs out being annoying to kill with the ability to ignore two critical damage. It means he’ll last far longer than most other swarm support ships. To top it off, his ability works are 0-3 instead of poor Howlrunner’s 0-1. He can also use his own ability thanks to Kraken giving him the Calculate action.

You’re going to lose Vulture droids quickly. After the initial joust, don’t be afraid to spread them out to maximize your chances of getting bullseye and to keep yourself from getting surrounded and losing several ships in one round. You’ll lose network calculation but it may be worth it.


You could dump a Vulture Droid and give Grappling Struts to the rest of the swarm. Grappling Struts can be a lot of fun but not really essential. This would also allow you to give Sear Soulless One title which can help survivability a fair bit.  You could also swap Kraken for another one of the Tactical Relays and drop an Energy Shell for the title. But the squads title wouldn’t be as fun.

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