Rogue Squadron – Maul’s Swarm
Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series, we will be looking at different squadrons you can fly in Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing miniatures game. We give you the squad, what expansion pack all of the upgrades come from and then give you the lowdown on how best to fly it. Strap in and get ready to fly.
All Wings Report In
Sith Infiltrator “Darth Maul” (Sith Infiltrator Pack) (80ts) (I5)
After you perform an attack, you may spend 2 Force to perform a bonus primary attack against a different target. If your attack missed, you may perform that bonus primary attack against the same target instead.
- Crew- Count Dooku (Sith Infiltrator Pack): Adds 1 Force. Before a ship at range 0-2 rolls attack or defense dice, if all of your Force are active, you may spend 1 Force and name a result. If the roll does not contain the named result, the ship must change 1 die to that result.
- Crew- General Grievous (Sith Infiltrator Pack): Charge: 1. While you defend, after the Neutralize Results step, if there are 2 or more Hit/Crit results, you may spend 1 Charge to cancel 1 Hit or Crit result. After a friendly ship is destroyed, recover 1 Charge.
- Force Power- Hate (Sith Infiltrator Pack): After you suffer 1 or more damage, recover that many Force.
Belbullab-22 “Wat Tambor” (Servants of Strife) (48ts) (I3)
While you perform a primary attack, you may reroll 1 attack die for each calculating friendly ship at range 1 of the defender.
- Tactical Relay- K2-B4 (Servants of Strife Expansion):While a friendly ship at range 0-3 defends, it may spend 1 calculate token. If it does, add 1 Evade result unless the attacker chooses to gain 1 strain token.
3x Vulture Class Droid Fighter “Trade Federation Drone” (Servants of Strife/Vulture Expansion) (24 pts) (I1)
NETWORKED CALCULATIONS: While you defend or perform an attack, you may spend 1 calculate token from a friendly ship at range 0-1 to change 1 Focus result to an Evade or Hit result.
- Missile- Energy Shell Charges (Servants of Strife/Vulture Droid Expansion): Charges: 1. Attack (Calculate)(3, Range 2-3)- Spend 1 Charge. While you perform this attack, you may spend 1 calculate token to change 1 Focus result to a Crit result.
Action: Reload this card.
Lock S-Foils in Attack Position
Maul in the Infiltrator is surprisingly scary. At first glance, it looks like a large base, one agility ship that will die quick. But then you factor in the Force. And Dooku, who works great as a defensive power. Add in Grievous to cancel a crit and the Hate to recover your Force (allowing you to potentially reuse Dooku) and opponents feel reluctant to fire on him. His ability to fire twice isn’t used all the time but if timed right, can cost an opponent two injured ships or one really defensive one.
Meanwhile, Wat is pretty dangerous with a swarm of Vultures around him. He hits with three dice before the Vultures fire their own three dice attacks with energy shells. You’ll want to try and engage range 3 for the first attack, to deny your opponent the range bonus from your energy shells. Then move into range 1 for round 2. After that, hopefully, you’ve thinned the field and can spare a round to regroup and reload your energy shells.
You’re best coming at your opponent from two angles, Maul and the swarm. Then they have to pick a target and get hammered by the other. Both are sufficiently beefy to be able to withstand the focus fire. Fire attacks is nothing to sneeze at.
You could trade Wat Tambor for two more Vulture Droids. This would give Maul two more opportunities to recover Grievous with and it would give you another attack and one more overall health. I took this because I only own three Vultures and Wat with the tac droid is good support.