
Published by Wayne on

We went to see “Christopher Robin” this weekend. Normally, I would be rather lukewarm toward a live-action remake of a classic. I know Disney has done several and we’ve only seen “Maleficent” and “Beauty and the Beast”, both streamed at home year+ after release. “Maleficent” was good, a unique story, nothing like “Sleeping Beauty” but “Beauty and the Beast” was just the same movie but without cartoons.

Got an artist at Comicpalooza to make this

“Christopher Robin” was different because there’s a lot of love for that silly old bear in our house. My wife loves Eeyore and my son has had a strong connection to Pooh. The original is one of his favorite movies and we’ve even read all of the original books. It’s quite amazing how much the original Disney movie matches the original books, both in content and spirit. They really are the nonsense stories a kid imagines when playing with their toys.

Additionally, my parents were visiting and my Mom has always liked these type of movies. She doesn’t like a lot of movies so its great when there is a chance to go with her and the whole family.

The movie turned out exactly as you would expect but in a good way. You get the complete story from the trailers. But that didn’t matter. It captured the heart of what Pooh and company are and presented it well.

My interest in actually wanting to go see the movie in theaters was aided by the internet. This movie was a meme factory (some of my favorites below). It also, finally, revealed the untold story of what happened to Obi-wan Kenobi while in hiding on Tatooine. He married Agent Carter and had a kid. Who, of course, eventually grows up to be Rey’s mom.

But seriously, if you ever loved Pooh or your kids do, go see the movie. It’s sappy but you could use more of that in you’re life. Don’t deny it.