
Published by Wayne on

We have reached that point in a pregnancy when you are in a perpetual state of limbo.  Our official due date was yesterday.  For about the last two weeks we’ve been past the point where if labor started, it would have been fine.

The baby could come at anytime so all plans we have are just tentative. Before,  neither of us were in any particular rush. Now, we’re in the final week regardless. If labor does not start naturally, the doctor wants to induce next Sunday. That will be a week past due. We can try and postpone, but at that point, you’re usually inducing for a reason. It will just make labor longer and more difficult.

Having a definitive date of “You will have a baby at this point” feels weird. It’s been a 9 month pregnancy and I’ve more or less gotten use to the idea of a kid, but that just feels so final. But it also isn’t. Since at any point this week he could decide to be born.

So, yeah, limbo. Just waiting.

Categories: Life