Labor Day

Published by Wayne on

Today is Labor Day. A day to celebrate the workers of the country and all the Unions did for us. Such as getting us this holiday. And the weekend attached to it.

Unfortunately, most people forget this. It’s just another holiday. A holiday that far to many workers have to work during. Since it’s a holiday for some, that means SHOPPING!! While there’s nothing I can really do about that, I do make it a point to not go to any stores or restaurants. At least I can not contribute to the madness.

So if you have the day off, take a moment to remember workers had to fight for your right to be eating that hamburger in the middle of the day. Think about that the next time you whine about the evil unions.

And if you’re working today, don’t let any pushy managers guilt you out of taking your mandatory 15-min breaks. In fact, rebel a little and make it 20. Then remember, Unions created Labor Day. Maybe it’s time they got to working on ensuring everyone had the right to celebrate it by not going to work.

Categories: LifePolitics