It’s Not Easy Being Right All The Time

Published by Wayne on

We finished up Downton Abbey this weekend. And *SPOILERS*….

…I was right with half my predictions. There was no resurgence of cancer for Mrs. Hughes but Matthew did die in a car accident. And right after his heir was born. Far to predictable for my taste. I know some people say that his status was left uncertain, but it was quite clear that he died. You don’t survive car wrecks like that one and the shots made it obvious he was playing a corpse.

But regardless of how predictable the death seems upon close inspection, it was only made possible due to unfortunate spoilers. Even though I didn’t know who died on the show, I did no two characters died. And I was even misinformed in thinking that the deaths occurred in two back to back episodes.

This led to watching the whole season a bit differently than I otherwise might have. I kept expecting characters to get offed at any moment. While the story analysis was amusing. trying to figure who which characters death would lead to the most drama, it also ruined some of the appeal. Once I had figured out it was likely Matthew who died at the end, it was hard to remain attached and invested in the character.

Sybill’s death was a bit of a surprise at least. Her death came very quickly after I made my predictions so I hadn’t really considered her, since she hadn’t been much of the seasons focus. That episode was more dramatic since I hadn’t fully anticipated it. Even though I had guessed early on in the episode, I also thought they might just make it a story about common doctors vs aristocratic doctors. Which they did, but Dr. Clarkson didn’t get to save the day at the last minute.

Its been a good run for the show. Now we’ll probably go back to our just a few episodes a week habits. We have a few Fringe episodes to finish off the series, a few Castle’s have piled up over the last few weeks, Game of Thrones season 2 is on DVD now and we haven’t started Once Upon a Time yet. And that’s just the stuff we know for sure we want to watch. There’s a nice long list of shows on our “To Watch” list.

Categories: Geekery