If you…

Published by Wayne on

If you aren’t outraged by the murder of Ahmed Aubrey…

If you think the lockdown needs to be lifted so you can get a haircut…

If you support armed white men storming a government people but opposed black men kneeling at a football game…

If you think carrying a gun to a “protest” is anything other than intimidation…

If you’re more concerned with the economy than people…

If you think of the economy as anything other than a tool…

If you think corporations are people…

If you are opposed to universal healthcare…

If you’re opposed to funding the USPS…

If you don’t care about the hypocrisy of Republicans refusing to hold hearings for a Supreme Court nomination in Obama’s final year but are ready to hold them in Trumps…

If you don’t think Mitch McConnell would see this country burn to the ground in order to win an election…

If you support Donald Trump…

If you’re opposed to unions…

If you think the border wall is about anything other than racism…

If you get any of your news from Fox News…

If you’ve ever used the term “lamestream” media…

If you ever said “blue lives/all lives matter”…

If you object to having to wear a mask but support any of the absurd things that are required of women seeking abortions…

If you’re concerned about abortions but don’t support comprehensive sex education and free access to birth control…

If you actually think “abstinence only” is a thing that is ever going to happen…

If you don’t think Trump is a racist…

If you think this virus isn’t real…

If you’re opposed to socialism but can’t explain what it is…

If you think any of the democrats are actual socialists or communists…

If you think opposition to vote by mail/ranked choice voting/national voting holiday/ is motivated by anything other than Republicans wanting to stay in power…

If you think climate change isn’t real…

If you think vaccines cause anything other than immunity to the disease they’re for…

If you think capitalism doesn’t rely on exploitation…

If you think taxation is theft…

If you think the wealthy need more tax cuts…

If you think schools would be better if they were run by for-profit companies…

If you think America is the greatest country in the world…

If you think teachers need more accountability than CEO’s…

If you think its okay to not pay someone a living wage…

If you think AOC and Bernie Sanders are evil but Trump’s a stand up guy…

If you think freedom means you get to do what you want and other people don’t get to do what you don’t want them to do…


…then you need to take a long hard look in the mirror and think about what that says about you.