Heavenly Palace-1

Published by Wayne on

Apparently, the Chinese are starting the process of developing their own space station. That kind of diminishes the status of the International Space Station we currently have. So it gets away from the spirit of international cooperation. And the name of their first testing module, Heavenly Palace-1 , is just cooler.

However, having more space stations up there can only be a good thing. Put space stations up, others feel the need to put space stations up. Now you have some people competing for launch vehicles. Technology improves to make launches less dangerous and expensive. Going into orbit becomes cheaper and more common place. The new techs allow easier building of interplanetary space craft. Which means we finally get Mars mission, which leads to off-world colonies….Warp Drive.

So, go China. Give the rest of the world something to compete against and work with. Any new space craft is good for the advancement of space technology.

Categories: GeekeryPolitics