Geek Fail

Published by Wayne on

A Little Rebellion is out there and had a pretty good first weekend. I’ll have an update post after the contest and lay out the results of everything that happened. For now, I’m going to just ramble and reveal my failings as a geek.

I’ve seen most of the sci-fi/fantasy themed tv shows that have come to make up geekdom during my lifetime. But there are several things I have not. A few of these are ones I wish to correct, either because of genuine interest or because I really feel I’m missing something. Others, I’m not in any rush to correct.

Dr. Who

This series is what prompted this post. People talk about Dr. Who all the time, and I’ve never really watched it. So I’m setting out to correct that, at least in part. Based on recommendations, I’ve started watching the recent series, beginning with the first David Tennant season. So far, I have to admit I don’t quite understand the lover affair with it. It’s sci-fi cheese to be sure, but it hasn’t sucked me in yet. Though, I’m told that at some point, you just discover that you love it.  We’ll see. The next episode has Anthony Stewart Head, Giles from Buffy, in it so that should be fun.


Babylon 5

A Comicpalooza, Claudia Christian was one of the guests. One of the others authors at the GGP booth was a big fan and went and met her. This precipitated a discussion about Babylon 5. I’ve heard comparisons between it and DS9 and during the original run I was completely into DS9 and ignored B5. But I’ve heard it has a good story, if hokey special effects and iffy acting. I’m also told it really gets better after the first season.

I gave this show a try a few years ago and couldn’t get past the first episode. But I’m thinking about trying it again. Unfortunately, it’s not available on streaming. I could get the discs from Netflix, but that’s such a pain for a show I’m only iffy on. Though, we’re not currently using our discs for anything, just movies that have been sitting unwatched for a month plus. Maybe after Dr. Who.



I’ll lump these two old shows together. These are one of the few cases of a cheesy old show my wife has seen but I haven’t. But I’ve never had a desire to watch them. I hear they are good for what they are, cheesy fantasy but nevertheless entertaining. I’m not in any particular rush to give them a try but I won’t rule it out.


Big Bang Theory

Some people appear to love this show. I’ve tried one episode and didn’t find it all that funny. But, I’m willing to concede that it’s probably best to watch from the beginning in order to understand the characters. It gets high reviews by many geeks I know. Unfortunately, it felt to much like a sitcom. There are many sitcoms I enjoy, but usually because they don’t feel like a sitcom.  I may eventually check it out, but it’s not high on my list.

Categories: Geekery