Waivering Tests

Well, as was predicted years ago, the Department of Education will begin issuing waivers to schools so they don’t have to meet the ridiculous expectations of No Child Left Behind. The law has a requirement that all school children be considered “Proficient” in reading and math by 2013. Ignoring the Read more…

Ignorance is Bliss

I’m of two minds about being politically active. On the one hand, I’m happier when I don’t think about any political issues. While I try to be open minded, I’m also pretty opinionated about things. Particularly things that I’ve done enough reading about to feel that I know enough to Read more…

Save Our Schools

The Save Our Schools March and National Call to Action is occurring this weekend in Washington DC. The purpose of this march is to call attention to the problems the last decade under the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) act has caused.  I don’t agree with all of their Guiding Principles (mainly with one about local Read more…

Let the Lord of Chaos Reign!

Sorry for the Wheel of Time reference. But after reading this it’s hard not to think that some of the most radical Republicans aren’t actually Darkfriends. Their plan is essentially to bring America into economic chaos, so that they can get what they want. The disturbing part, is that it’s working. Read more…

American’s Elect

One of my degrees in college was Political Science. I’ve forgotten 90% of what I learned and probably distorted the remaining 10%. Despite that, I think I got enough of a background to be able to separate at least a reasonable portion of the BS. And this next topic, I’m Read more…

Pay Yer Bills

Here’s a fun little tool that lets you decide how to pay the US Governments bills with only 44% of the money required. Come August 2nd the US can’t borrow more money, these are decisions someone is going to have to make. Which, sadly, is exactly what the Teaparty wants. Read more…

Keeping an Open Mind

I try to keep an open mind about things. In many cases it comes naturally. I’m usually pretty good at seeing several sides to a situation, even when I don’t particularly agree with them all. This is beneficial when dealing with people, as being able to understand how they are Read more…

Income Disparity

I recently read a report by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities that outlines some pretty astonishing information. By looking at data provided by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) the income gap between the middle fifth of Americans and the top 1% has more than tripled between 1979 and Read more…

Role of the Navy

I’ve debated whether or not I want to post anything politics related. I’ve held back on some things while deciding. But since this is my blog, what the hell, I can write what I want. Naval history is a passion of mine. I saw this article over at Think Progess Read more…