Corruption Breeds Corruption

When you let a corrupt president off for corruption guess what happens? He goes and pardons people convicted on corrupt crimes. What do you suppose is going to happen next? If you said anything other more people will do more corrupt things with the expectation that they can get away Read more…

It’s Made of Wood

Last September a friend of mine asked if anyone wanted to join him for a wood working class. My father has always made cool things with wood but I’ve never had much luck. That’s partly from laziness and not trying. Partly from lack of access to tools so no chance Read more…


Well, it’s begun. The third impeachment trial of a US president. I don’t have much to say at this point. I have my fears that this will be nothing more than a show trial with everything being preordained along party lines.  But I might be surprised. In away, this situation Read more…

Robot Apocalypse

When you hear about the Robot Apocalypse you think of things like Terminator or the Matrix or Ultron. You don’t generally think about Robots leading us to our doom by accident though. They are depicted as malicious and vengeful. But it looks like they’re probably going to just get us Read more…

They’re Not Stupid

Ever seen someone do something boneheaded? Ever hear someone say something so completely ignorant of basic facts that you wonder how they manage to feed themselves every day? You probably thought to yourself, ‘this person is a grade A moron.’ Now, think hard and honestly. Have you ever been that Read more…

Chasing the Dream

I was playing a game of Civilization the other night, a game I’ve played in various forms for almost 30yrs now. I set almost all of the settings to random and ended up with the Maori. I built my first city and started figuring out a win condition based on Read more…

Out of Touch Carnivore

We’re approaching Thanksgiving here in the US of A. One of the common tropes about the holiday is getting together with family and having to put up with someone’s old racist grandparents. Or uncle. That got me thinking. What out of touch thing will my generation do when we’re the Read more…

Ok boomer

There’s a new meme floating around the internet. In response to someone saying something condescending, ignorant, racist or out of touch Gen Z coined the response “Ok boomer.”  It’s a digital eye-roll. It’s flippant and irreverent. And it’s perfect. A fair number of people are quite incensed about it. There Read more…