Rogue Champions- Nova Review

Greetings! Let’s continue our look at the young Champions. Hero Summary Nova (Hero) Champion. Attack: 1, Thwart: 1, Defense: 2. Hitpoints: 10, Handsize: 5 Response: After you use one of Nova’s basic powers (THW, ATK, or DEF), ready Supernova Helmet. Comments: Nova’s basic stats are quite lackluster, only totalling 4 Read more…

Rogue Champions – Ironheart

Check out Wayne’s new book, Seraph’s Bind, out now and running a launch sale for only $0.99. Greetings! Let’s continue the look at the young Champions and the Iron-Man replacement. Hero Summary Ironheart (Hero) Champion. Version 1. Thwart: 1. Attack: 2. Defense: 3. Hit Points: 10. Hand Size: 4. Level Up! — Read more…

Rogue Champions – Ghost Spider

Greetings! Our journey continues into the Spider-Verse with a look at Ghost-Spider. Hero Summary Ghost-Spider (Hero) Web-Warrior. Thwart: 1. Attack: 2. Defense: 3. Hit Points: 10. Hand Size: 5. Dizzying Reflexes – Response: After you resolve an “Interrupt” or “Response” ability on an event, ready Ghost-Spider. (Limit once per phase.) Comments: Between her Read more…