Rogue Champions- Spider-Man Review (Again)

Greetings! Our journey through the plethora of heroes available in Marvel’s Champions LCG. Last month we reviewed a core box hero, Spider-Man. This month we’re going to do something a bit different by reviewing…um…Spider-Man… Hero Summary Spider-Man (Hero) Champion. Web-Warrior. Thwart: 2. Attack: 2. Defense: 2. Hit Points: 9. Hand Read more…

Rogue Review- Rebel ARC-170

Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series, we will be looking at the ships you can fly in Atomic Mass Games X-Wing miniatures game. We’ll take a look at a chassis and what makes it unique along with some upgrades and squadron combos. Strap in and get ready to Read more…

From Doctor to Villain

I noticed something recently. Every actor whose played the Doctor in the Nu-Who era has gone onto play the villain in a comicbook film/show. It’s not particularly surprising they would show up in a comic book film/show. These are all excellent actors, at the top of their career and comicbooks Read more…

Rogue Review- Metro-X

Grab your metro card, we’re off to check out another game while riding the subway. Today we’re looking at Metro-X by Gamewright. Gameplay- A Card deck The basic gameplay of Metro-X is simple and straightforward. It’s a riff on “Roll and Write” the designers dub “Rail and Write.” Each player Read more…