Seraph’s Bind Now Available!

Seraph’s Bind is now available!  Serene never trusted anyone before she met Noah. He accepted her and convinced the rest of the crew of Seraph to take her in. But now Noah’s dead, sacrificing himself to save her, and Serene has found herself alone among strangers. Working with people who trust, and Read more…

Rogue Champions – Ghost Spider

Greetings! Our journey continues into the Spider-Verse with a look at Ghost-Spider. Hero Summary Ghost-Spider (Hero) Web-Warrior. Thwart: 1. Attack: 2. Defense: 3. Hit Points: 10. Hand Size: 5. Dizzying Reflexes – Response: After you resolve an “Interrupt” or “Response” ability on an event, ready Ghost-Spider. (Limit once per phase.) Comments: Between her Read more…

Rogue Review – Slay the Spire

We don’t normally review video games on this site, sticking to the physical side of gaming. But it’s not unheard of and this week the game we’re looking at, “Slay the Spire,”  could function as a physical game exactly as it does as a computer game. In fact, there will Read more…