X-Wing Card Packs

We suspected it. It was all but confirmed by X-wing Devs. But it’s now, finally, officially announced. Card packs are coming for X-wing in 2020. The first set is not one card pack. Or one per faction. But three, each with items for every faction. This is a bit of Read more…

Gone in 60 Seconds

This past weekend two shooting events occurred, one in El Paso, Texas and one in Dayton, Ohio. All told almost 30 people died and over 50 other people were injured. Two events within 24hrs of each other, thousands of miles apart. The event in Dayton took place near police officers. Read more…

Seraph’s Gambit- Episode 47

Back to Episode 46 Squee “Port intruders have reached deck four!” the Martoth’s security officer shouted, “The intruders on deck five, starboard side have been contained.” “Redeploy defense teams from deck five to engineering,” Cru ordered, his voice measured and level, despite the chaos going on around him. “You do Read more…

Review – Azul

Azul was a game my wife came across somewhere and put it on her Christmas list last year. Production- A The game boards are made from a sturdy, heavy cardboard. They don’t feel like they’ll break or bend without focused effort to do so. The game tiles are all solid Read more…

$200 Mistake

I was on my way to an appointment downtown. It was near rush hour and there is a lot of construction around Houston right now (and by now I mean always). The two main routes from the south, I-45 and 288, are a mess where they cross 610. So when Read more…