Seraph’s Gambit- Episode 52

Back to Episode 51 Olivia “I am preparing to complete the connection between the Hack and the FTL,” Vlasa’s voice echoed in Olivia’s ear. Involuntarily, her leg started shaking up and down. She didn’t have the will to stop it. It took every bit of her mental strength to keep Read more…

Haymarket Massacre

It was Labor Day here in America yesterday. At least technically. America doesn’t know how to Labor Day though. When the idea for a labor day came about in the late 19th century, to commemorate the efforts of the labor movements pushing for better working conditions, including but not limited Read more…

Seraph’s Gambit- Episode 51

Back to Episode 50 Ariana “I’m getting a signal,” Vlasa declared. “And so is the AI detector. Both originating on a bearing toward Triask. I think we’re too late.” Ariana closed her eyes and cursed to herself. Out loud, she said, “Not unexpected. Get me a connection to PUG HQ. Read more…

Rogue Squadron- Juke of Naboo

Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series, we will be looking at different squadrons you can fly in Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing miniatures game. We give you the squad, what expansion pack all of the upgrades come from and then give you the lowdown on how best to fly Read more…

Putting Traffic Into Perspective

There’s a lot of obstacles to public transport working well in America. How spread out things are because our land area is just enormous being the biggest one. Getting 50 people from 50 different houses in the suburbs to 50 different destinations 20miles away downtown isn’t quite as simple as Read more…