Rogue Review – Epic Wings

We talked a bit recently about the re-introduction of Huge ships to X-wing.  But this wasn’t the only big thing added to X-wing with the release of Epic. We also got epic scenarios and wings. We’ll cover the scenarios another time, so today we’re going to focus on Wings. There Read more…

They’re Not Stupid

Ever seen someone do something boneheaded? Ever hear someone say something so completely ignorant of basic facts that you wonder how they manage to feed themselves every day? You probably thought to yourself, ‘this person is a grade A moron.’ Now, think hard and honestly. Have you ever been that Read more…

Chasing the Dream

I was playing a game of Civilization the other night, a game I’ve played in various forms for almost 30yrs now. I set almost all of the settings to random and ended up with the Maori. I built my first city and started figuring out a win condition based on Read more…

Rogue Review – Clue

In the last…decade…no, it’s been longer than that…damn I’m getting old…since I discovered modern gaming I’ve generally looked back on the childhood classics with disdain. I detest Monopoly with a passion. Candy Land is pointless. Life, while amusing in Star Wars form, isn’t much better since it’s almost pure randomness. Read more…

Out of Touch Carnivore

We’re approaching Thanksgiving here in the US of A. One of the common tropes about the holiday is getting together with family and having to put up with someone’s old racist grandparents. Or uncle. That got me thinking. What out of touch thing will my generation do when we’re the Read more…