
Well, it’s begun. The third impeachment trial of a US president. I don’t have much to say at this point. I have my fears that this will be nothing more than a show trial with everything being preordained along party lines.  But I might be surprised. In away, this situation Read more…

X-Wing Points Update Quicktake

General Thoughts/FAQ Update General across the board drop in points. Lots of generics got cheaper. Tractor Beam Changes: After the opponents moves you via tractor tokens, you can take a stress to rotate your ship 90 degrees. Huge tractor nerf. Gas Cloud: Now you roll a dice and on a Read more…

Robot Apocalypse

When you hear about the Robot Apocalypse you think of things like Terminator or the Matrix or Ultron. You don’t generally think about Robots leading us to our doom by accident though. They are depicted as malicious and vengeful. But it looks like they’re probably going to just get us Read more…

Force Magic

I’ve generally been lukewarm on the way the Star Wars system treated Force Powers. For most things in the game you can try anything you want. You’ll probably fail if you’re not skilled in it or it’s a ridiculously stupid idea. But you could try it. Not so with Force Read more…

New Year of Gaming

So here we are. 2020. The final Star Wars movie in the Skywalker legacy has come and gone. The Avengers have vanquished Thanos. X-Wing and Armada haven’t announced any new ships recently. FFG Star Wars books are into the reeds of compendium source books, potentially signally a sunsetting of the Read more…

Peak Trump

There’s a campaign GIF for Trump that has him photoshopped to become Thanos. He claims his reelection is inevitable. Then,  snaps his fingers and Nancy Pelosi and a bunch of Democrats are wiped from existence. This GIF works on so many levels. First, I mean, come on, Thanos is the BAD Read more…

Review – Battle Penguins

We picked this game up for my son last Christmas. It’s got penguins, everyone loves penguins, and the description made it sound more like a deck building game in the vein of Sentinels of the Multiverse but less complex. Technically, that is true though it feels very different to what Read more…

Housing First

Listening to a “Factually” podcast they talked about the housing and homeless problems in America. The guest, Dr. Sam Tsemberis, described his research working with the homeless which had shown how the most effective method to helping people who were homeless was to give them a place to live. This Read more…

Rise of Skywalker

Just got back from seeing Rise of Skywalker. Not sure yet how I feel in whole. Thought I’d ramble out some thoughts because this is the internet and that’s what it’s here for. Right?   SPOILERS! You have been warned.     Wow. Chewbacca has been two Jawa’s in a Read more…