Corruption Breeds Corruption

When you let a corrupt president off for corruption guess what happens? He goes and pardons people convicted on corrupt crimes. What do you suppose is going to happen next? If you said anything other more people will do more corrupt things with the expectation that they can get away Read more…

Five Ship Rebels

With the recent point changes, the Rebel Alliance now finds itself with a multitude of options at 40 points. This, in turn, is exactly the amount you need for a five ship build, which is another thing Rebels like.  So what can you mix and match for a five ship Read more…

Ft. Worth System Open

This past weekend I attended the Fort Worth System Open. It’s been awhile since I’ve been to a big event. Seeing a room full of grown-ups decked out in nerdy Star Wars shirts, who traveled hundreds of miles to push around tiny plastic spaceships puts it all into perspective. Collectively, Read more…

Thank You Mitt Romney

That’s a phrase I’d never thought I’d hear myself say. I can’t say I agree with Mitt on much of anything politically. But I can certainly respect him as a human being. As the only Republican with the courage to vote against party lines to find Donald Trump guilty of Read more…

Rogue Squadron- Bob and Weave

Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series, we will be looking at different squadrons you can fly in Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing miniatures game. We give you the squad, what expansion pack all of the upgrades come from and then give you the lowdown on how best to fly Read more…

Rogue Review- Dragonwood

We picked this game up for my wife’s birthday. We’ve had some success with other Gamewright games and this one proved par for the course. Production- A- The cards are reasonably sturdy. They’re smooth and glossy without being too slick. It comes with custom dice and the box has slots Read more…

It’s Made of Wood

Last September a friend of mine asked if anyone wanted to join him for a wood working class. My father has always made cool things with wood but I’ve never had much luck. That’s partly from laziness and not trying. Partly from lack of access to tools so no chance Read more…