April Fools

Published by Wayne on

Ah, April Fool’s Day. The day the internet goes crazy. Sometimes it’s amusing to see what weird things people come up with. But if you are at all aware of this trend, it makes any news you see become very suspect. Especially from gaming companies and blog sites. They love to release bizarre  press releases. Which can be annoying if you’re reading something that sounds cool.

Fortunately, it falls on a Sunday this year. Companies are not known for announcing cool new things on Sundays. I predict a lower than average instance of people getting caught by unexpected stories.

When done right, April Fool’s Day can be a lot of fun. Unfortunately, it is often abused and used as an excuse to be mean. I was never really any good at pranks. I’ve never been able to come up with ideas that are funny, but not mean, or just stupid. But it is a good excuse to just act foolish and silly. Not that I really need a reason.

PS: After writing this post and getting it ready to submit, Bioware posted their offering for April Fool’s Day already: “Ship Droid


Categories: GeekeryLife