What We’re Watching

Published by Wayne on

As you all know, I am a big geek who wastes a lot of his time in front of the computer or a TV screen. Since I’m not someone who doesn’t need facts to back things up, it’s necessary to present the evidence of just how lazy and wasted much of my week is. So without further ado, here’s a look at recent and upcoming TV’s shows that I have an interest in (starting from summer and carrying through to next spring, since new seasons are pretty spread out):

Returning Shows

  1. Eureka
  2. Warehouse 13
  3. House– I hope this is the last season. I’ll give them a chance with this whole prison thing, but it could end up being a season to far.
  4. Chuck– This show is fun, silly, and not very serious. But giving Morgan the intersect might be a step to far. Or it could be hilarious. We’ll find out at the end of Oct.
  5. Castle
  6. Being Human– Great new show last spring, to bad it doesn’t return until Jan.
  7. Parenthood– sappy, family drama but it makes me wish my family lived that close to each other.
  8. Glee– First season was great, second and this one so far don’t have that chemistry. They look like they will actually allow most of their cast to move on since their characters need to graduate, so next year might give it a fresh feel, or it might kill it completely.
  9. Mythbusters– Blowing shit up all in the name of a very, very loose association with science.
  10. Community– I loved this show the first season though the second was more hit and miss. We’ll see how they do with this one.
  11. The Office– I said I wouldn’t watch after Steve Carrel left, but I did. Surprisingly, it’s not to bad. As great as he was, Michael Scott was quite annoying much of the time and it might be better without him.
  12. 30 Rock– Another show that has signs of slipping. Last season wasn’t as great as earlier ones.
  13. Fringe– First season was very all over the place, but the story arc really picked up in 2 and 3. The dual universe thing was very well done. I’m skeptical with this altered timeline without Peter thing, but we’ll see where it goes. I have faith they’ll pull it off.
  14. Mad Men– Don’t get AMC, so we’ll have to buy this to watch it as they come out, but it’s good enough to be worth doing.
  15. Futurama– Can’t believe I forgot this one.

Returning Shows I don’t actually watch on schedule

  1. How I Met Your Mother– This is a show I started watching after catching a repeat once. It is always on at the same time as shows I watch with my wife. So I’m a season behind.
  2. In Plain Sight– Based on a recommendation from my parents, we checked this one out on Netflix. They only had 3 seasons streaming, so we’re one behind. Probably watch 4 after 5 comes out next spring.
  3. Psych–  I watched all of this last spring and summer and am now caught up. Could watch the current season when it airs, but might prefer to just wait for DVD.
  4. Walking Dead– Similar to Mad Men, we can’t watch it on release. It was good, but I can wait for DVD.

New Shows

  1. Alpha’s– I was very skeptical of this one, we recorded half the season before giving it a try. And while it’s not super wonderful or anything, it is enjoyable.
  2. Grimm– It’s an interesting enough concept to give it a try.
  3. Once Upon a Time– Similar to Grimm in concept, but with some actors we recognize. One article I read mentioned Robert Carlyle playing a Rumpelstiltskin type character. That’s worth checking it out right there.
  4. Person of Interest– Don’t know much about it and haven’t watched an episode yet, but Michael Emerson is in it, so worth checking out.
  5. Whitney– Some of the commercial clips were humorous, so when I caught the first 5min on over recording from the Office, I gave it a try. I was glad the recording ended after 5min. There might have been some humor there, but the laughter and the acting was terrible. This is why I wait for people to tell me shows are good before trying new ones.

So there you have it, 23 shows I watch, or plan to watch at some point in the next year. Granted, they are not all on at the same time of year. But still. I’ve proven my point about my slackerness.

Edit: Added Futurama


Categories: Geekery