
It’s been known for a little while that ABC was in the process of developing a live action drama based in the world of the Avengers. You know, that wildly successful movie that came out this year and made buckets of money? Yeah, it surprised me that they would milk Read more…

SWSE Postmortem

Today over on the GSA, I take a look at some of the flaws in the Star Wars Saga Edition RPG. While I still enjoy SWSE I thought it would be a good idea to look at where it’s weak as start to learn more about the new system from Fantasy Read more…

Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 officially launched today. A few friends of mine were in the early launch. So far they are having a lot of fun and recommend the game. GW2 is one of those games that I’ve casually watched for the last few years. The skill system, the world events Read more…

Bourbon Street Ripper

If you like mystery stories, check out this trailer for “The Bourbon Street Ripper” from new author Leo King.  It’s a very well done trailer that will doesn’t give anything away. Look for the novel coming soon.  And be sure to follow Leo’s blog at Foreverwhere.

Hover bike

Ever wondered what to get me for my birthday? This. Sure, it’s not available for sale, is only a prototype, is going to be offered to the military first, and when it does make its way to the public will cost probably all the money I’ll ever make, but still. Read more…

Mars Feedback

Today is the first Wednesday in a few weeks without a new update from my short story “From Mars with Love”. I wanted to try and get some feedback from readers about two things: The story itself. What did you think? The release format? It was a short story but Read more…

Star Trek the Game

I recently saw a trailer for a new Star Trek game coming out next year.  And I have to say, I’m not at all impressed. That could easily be any other generic FPS game in existence. Now, what will make this game a good Star Trek game is the story. That’s Read more…

Edge of the Empire

Fantasy Flight has announced some limited information about their new Star Wars RPG game; Edge of the Empire. Not much is available but those at GenCon may pick up more than is on the website currently. Agent 00 from the GSA has promised an article soon, so look out for Read more…

Spacesuit Fiasco

I have another rant against Cryptic today. Seems to be a growing trend. This rant is about their recent addition of the spacesuits from First Contact.  Like most Star Trek, STO did not have any need for space suits (environmental suits) for most of its run. Its not something you Read more…

Proportionate Rewards

It’s been a few weeks now since STO launched its vaulted season 6.  I was initially very positive about this update, and overall still am. However, the shine has started to wear off, revealing the dark underbelly of the expansion. Cryptic’s biggest flaw is the inability to balance things in Read more…