Well, there is a rumor floating around that STO is going Free-2-Play. While this isn’t a new rumor it has a few things backing it up this time. On the STO Forums, a transcript from a meeting with the Perfect Worlds CEO (Cryptic’s new owner) showed up. In it there Read more…

Google Music

I signed up for the Google Music Beta and got into it a few days ago. I’ve spent the last few days uploading all of my music and have been toying with it. I decided to do this, after the Amazon music cloud labeled half of my mp3’s as “Unknown Read more…

Rescue Me

This will be the first of a random assortment of television reviews. Just because I feel like it. I started Rescue Me a little over a month ago. I am now into season 5. This review will contain spoilers, but as I haven’t finished the show, I hope none are Read more…

Sport Confusion

With coming of college football season, I was eagerly anticipating watching the first Gator game this Saturday. With a new coach and a quarterback with a mixed record, it had the makings for a fun season. However, there doesn’t appear to any way for me to watch the game. I Read more…

Geek Fitness Brigade

I’ve had this idea floating around in my head for a year now. Basically, I’m overweight and out of shape. I need to exercise, but I hate going to the gym or running. Both feel like pointless activities. I know they’re not, but they are just so boring. So I Read more…

The Cloud

I’ve got a bit of a storage problem. Both in the physical and the digital worlds but we won’t go into the physical world right now. Unlike the problems I had for most of my computer lifetime, the storage problem has nothing to do with hard drive space. I have Read more…

Wheel of Time

I have just finished reading (listening to) the twelfth book in the Wheel of Time series. There is still one more to go before I catch up, and then one more that is supposed to come out last year. This is a really long series. It is actually my second attempt Read more…

Stuck in a Rut

I’m in kind of an unusual rut right now with my novels. I “finished” the first book in my planned series a few months ago. Since then I’ve been working on book 2, and have written about half of its projected overall length. Unfortunately, that half is the beginning, which Read more…

Magic the Gathering

I recently picked up Magic: The Gathering Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 on Steam. My brother-in-law was playing the free trial that was available on PSN when we were visiting last month and it was fun. It has been a long time since I’ve played Magic, played in 6th and Read more…

Crafty Buggers

Some new information about crafting as appeared on the SWTOR website in the last few days. Check out any of those links for the full details. My understanding from reading it is that each player will have three “Crew Skill Slots”. Those slots can be filled with the skills Gathering, Crafting, Read more…